General Liability Insurance

  1. Bodily Injury Coverage: Protects against claims for physical harm to a person. Example: A customer slips and falls in your store, sustaining injuries that result in medical expenses.

  2. Property Damage Coverage: Covers damage to someone else's property. Example: While working at a client's office, you accidentally damage a piece of expensive equipment.

  3. Products Completed Operations Coverage: Protects against claims related to products you sell or work you have completed. Example: A customer claims your product caused damage after they used it.

  4. Advertising Injury Coverage: Covers claims of slander, libel, or copyright infringement in your advertisements. Example: A competitor sues your business for making false claims about their products in your marketing materials.

  5. Medical Payments Coverage: Pays for medical expenses if someone is injured on your business premises, regardless of fault. Example: A guest at your restaurant trips and injures themselves, requiring medical treatment.

  6. Legal Defense Costs Coverage: Covers legal expenses in defending against covered liability claims. Example: Your business is sued for alleged negligence, and legal fees are covered under this provision.

  7. Personal and Advertising Injury Coverage: Protects against claims of personal injury such as wrongful eviction, false arrest, or invasion of privacy, as well as advertising injury. Example: A former employee sues your business for wrongful termination, claiming emotional distress.

These are some of the main coverages offered under a general liability policy, each serving to protect a business from various risks and liabilities as they conduct their operations.